sexta-feira, 11 de março de 2016

Ártico | foto do dia

After a few technical hitches of the past days, we are now in Ny Alesund, at the UK Arctic Research Station.
It was an earlier start than usual as there are high winds headed our way, full of 'wet' snow from the North Atlantic. The weather continues to confuse, and we are due temperatures above freezing overnight.
It's wonderful to be back at this most northerly permanent settlement at 79 degrees North. Later today and tomorrow we'll be joining up with the research team, exploring the inside of the glacier, the Broggerbreen. They've been setting up over the past days and have some great footage already, which we'll share shortly.
A glorious daybreak over the runway at Ny Alesund after a bit of a bumpy landing. Do post any questions you have on our Skype group or twitter.
Love from the Arctic,

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